I was transporting my old stereo speakers and tuner/amp to my friend, Peter, today. And, I saw a cargo bicycle down Main Street! I've seen many bikes in my time, but, this was a first. The only thing I regret was not packing my camera. It was very euro chic cool, coasting well on semi wet roads. This may have to do with the new bike store, that I past by to work every morning, on Manitoba and Broadway Streets. I checked the internet and it's called, "bakfiets", a dutch cargo bike, pronounced, "back feet". Very popular in most countries in Europe(especially Holland), the United States and hopefully here in Vancouver, it just makes sense.
It reminds me a little of the "dépaneur" (convenient store) bikes in Montréal. These steel bikes equipped with a heavy metal basket are primary used for delivering large amount's of "La Fin de Monde beer." Smart. The bakfiets are also very utilitarian, great for delivering mostly "anything" ... and a bicycle I wouldn't mind using!
Come by our new shop at 2518 Manitoba st (at Broadway) and check them out. We'll be reopening in about a week.
ps. Maudite is way better than Fin du Monde.