I was going through my old photos and dug up a picture of me taken from my brother. This was 1989, Vancouver one and a half years following my move from Edmonton. And that's my trusty Marinoni, fairly new only two years old.
Could it be that today my wife and I are celebrating our 13th wedding anniversary? Or that today I bumped into an old friend from that same time. I felt a little pain of nostalgia when I looked at the photo. I can't believe it's been nineteen years ago. It reminds me of when I was, of course, younger and in pretty good shape. Funny how we are all condition to think that youth=health.
One thing I'm sure of. Today, I've never felt happier when I'm on my Marinoni... my simple daily pleasure that started over twenty years ago.
It was nice to share the moment.
Heartfelt thanks!
Retro Richard
here's to the next twenty
Big thanks I look forward to it!