Les Glorieux: 'The Hockey Sweater' & 100 ans.

One of my favorite short films!

I usually blog about cycling history, but, it's hard not to write about my other love: hockey and the Montreal Canadiens. As a young boy growing up in Edmonton, when winter started, I couldn't wait until after school to go out to the outdoor rink. For me, in the seventies, Les Canadiens was THE team because of their fantastic Stanley cup wins. The team was all about style, finesse & passion. They knew how to win.

In 1980, Roch Carrier wrote, 'The Hockey Sweater - Le Chandail de Hockey.' The National Film Board of Canada turned it into a short film. Many Canadian kids & adults know it and it stands as a popular piece of Canadian literature.

What a wonderful film together with the storied Montreal Canadiens, now celebrating their amazing centennial!
