
A project that I've been holding off is soon to happen. The upcoming months will provide me with the important time for 'Operation Marinoni'. A restoration of the good kind aiming to turn my old Marinoni Details will remain quiet for now but I invite all to revisit this blog for updates. Change is good!


Empidog said…

Hey Richard have you seen this company, I get quite a bit of retro stuff from them, They are very friendly and personal, they sent me a freebie Reynolds cap when they first came in with another banana.

Good luck with the build..
Richard said…

I know them and bought a pair of oversocks...
So excited about the build,

Empidog said…
I've got an oldish canadian DVD called 2 Seconds thats where I heard the name Mariononi
Richard said…
I haven't seen it. Definitely, Montreal equals Marinoni.