The Return of the Colombian Caps

Colombian Summer cap (tierra caliente)
photo Red Dots Cycling

I'm a fan of Colombian riders in the pro peloton and enjoy the prolific and entertaining cyclinginquisition blog for all things... Colombian.

I also am a proud owner of a pair of Colombian socks, wearing them to at least feel like a climber and have enjoyed the special Colombian coffee candy.

If you haven't read it, please do so, Klaus is the man behind it with full on knowledge about how Colombian riders have and are making their mark in the world of cycling. The real reason I'm writing is that Red Dots Cycling is, once again, stands proud to be the official cycling cap providing a new batch of Colombian Summer caps (tierra caliente) and Winter caps (tierra fria)!

A good mix...
I first followed Colombian cycling in the eighties.
via cyclinginquisition

The Colombian flag ribbon is made in Colombia, and was sourced in Bogota by La Cadenilla, without whom this run of caps would not have been possible. 

Unlike other cycling caps that are made by hand in small runs, the fit and finish in these are impeccable.

All caps will come with a coffee-flavored hard candy made by Colombia's oldest candy manufacturer.

- Klaus

I invite you to check out the great Colombian caps and purchase one... you won't be disappointed!

Colombian Winter cap (tierra fria)
photo Red Dots Cycling


Jose Benavides said…
En donde puedo comprar un par ?
Jose Benavides said…
Donde puedo conseguir un par ?
Richard said…
Hello Jose!
Richard said…
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