Red Dots Cycling: New winter caps... North Star, Scottish & Le Domestique

(l to r): North Star, Scottish & Le Domestique.
Photo: Red Dots Cycling

A new cycling season is fast approaching a staying warm, dry and comfortable is key.

Fall and Winter means cooler temps and more rain for us here in the wet coast of British Columbia. I tend to wear cycling caps all year round and more so during the colder months. I'm more than happy to introduce a new series of warm winter caps from Red Dots Cycling...

North Star:

Made from 100% Italian Wool with Bamboo jersey earflap.


Made from 100% Wool tartan with Bamboo jersey earflap.

Le Domestique:

Made from 100% Wool plaid with Bamboo jersey earflap.

This is only the first series and in 1-2 weeks we will introduce the second series of winter caps!

Bring on the cold weather!

Available here.
