Charles Kagimu, Arctic Race of Norway Stage 2


Charles Kagimu, Men’s Olympic road race

“An epic bike race I will never forget in my life time. Went into the race week with sickness and my only goal last Monday was to make it to the start line and in a better health condition. I knew it would be a horrible day on the bike but I didn’t care about all that at all, I just wanted to go into this race and enjoy the experience fully. 

Fast forward… I made it in the breakaway straight from the start and that was something really cool to do for me and almost 7hrs later from the start, I made it to the finish line last but believe me, I was the happiest person on this planet the moment I crossed that finish line. It was a great life experience to race in Paris and I’m proud to have represented my country out there. This is something very helpful to me and aligns well with my goals of inspiring people in whichever they do.”
-Charles Kagimu. He finished last, but he surely is 1st for inspiration.
