My latest print...

Happy New Year to all! 
With it I would like to present my latest print entitled, "zone de revaitaillement." This is the feed zone where the riders have a designated area, usually half way through the days route, to eat. It's simple and goes like this... Soigneurs are at the feed zone about an hour ahead of the riders. They assemble the contents of each musette bag which consists of bottles, one of carbohydrate and one with a tonic. Also included,  a half a banana, a energy bar and carbohydrate gell, that's close to 200 calories. And according to each rider's preference, a little bit of bread and banana or baked goods like a apple tart can be found in the musette. This can amount to almost 1000 calories, half the daily intake for a nonrider. During the Tour, a team can use up to 3000 water bottles. Every rider is responsible for his musette, no domestique service here. However, there was an exception, Lance Armstrong had it brought to him.  And, food is never far away! If a hungry rider misses his musette, the team car will bring it up to the rider. 
