TDF stage 15: Plateau de Belle, Elisha Longo Borghini


Biniam Girmay arrived safely with his teammates and will start the final week of the Tour with the green jersey. He has won the 15 points at the intermediate sprints and improves his lead in the green jersey to 91 points.

Bram Welten (DSM-Firmenich) finishes OTL (outside time limit).

The Canadian finished in 12th, stays in ninth overall after the epic stage.

“I’m not sure one rest day is going to be enough!”
-Derek Gee

Elisa Longo Borghini, the reigning Italian Champion, has become the first Italian to win the Giro d’ltalia Women since five-time winner Fabiana Luperini last won the title 16 years ago in 2008. Borghini has competed in 13 editions of the Giro d’ltalia Women and finished twice on the podium in 2017 and 2020.

“I like the thrill. I like the adrenaline when it’s about one second. I like to have that head-to-head fight and to race until the end. When I see the finish line, I just see red like a bull, and I just want to go straight to it. I was nervous today, in a very good way, and I was like, I am going to crack you (Lopecky) no matter what. We wanted to make the race hard, to eliminate some of the SD-Worx riders, and we did.”
-Elisa Longo Boghini. Heading into the final stage 8, she was only one second of Kopecky in the overall, where time bonuses were on offer at the finish line. 

35th Giro d’ltalia Women final results
