Clásica San Sebastián


Michael Woods and his iconic national jersey

After winning the Canadian national champs in June, Mike Woods flew his new colors - Canadian red and white and the iconic maple leaf to the Clásica San Sebastián. After the Paris Olympics road race, he chalked an eighth place in San Sebastián one place better than his ninth in 2019. 
The new national jersey and inspiration...

"It being a Canadian kit and me being a proud Canadian, I really wanted to draw on things that inspired me growing up in Canada. Two of those things were track and hockey. My most vivid memories of falling in love with sport and the Olympics was of Donovan Bailey winning Olympic gold in 1996 and he had this iconic Canada kit with the Canadian font logo. And secondly, being a hockey player when I was growing up and loving the Team Canada jersey. I obviously wasn't alive during the Summit Series where Canada played Russia, but the jersey was iconic. These were the two things I wanted to have on the kit."
-Mike Woods

Marc Hirschi took the Txapela

"For me it is a very, very big victory, it means a lot to me. Next to my Tour de France stage victory and Flèche Wallonne, it is one of my biggest wins in cycling. It was super hard. Alaphilippe attacked at the start. We went so fast, and then we dropped a little bit the speed. In this climb (the steep Pilotegi) you just suffer to the top. Then we looked back and we were only two. We knew that we had to continue, and then we had a nice sprint together."
-Marc Hirschi
